Matthew 9-12 provides a complex and nuanced portrayal of the Kingdom of God, with various perspectives presented throughout the chapters.

On the one hand, we clearly see how Jesus’ ministry is advancing the Kingdom of God. Through his healing miracles, Jesus is demonstrating the compassionate and restorative nature of the Kingdom, showing that it is a realm where physical and spiritual healing can take place. Additionally, Jesus sends out the twelve disciples to proclaim the gospel and perform miracles, which helps to expand the influence of the Kingdom.

On the other hand, there are also elements that seem to work against the Kingdom. The religious leaders of the time are frequently presented as opposing Jesus and his message, and they often challenge the legitimacy of his authority and his teachings. Furthermore, Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness, mercy, and love for one's enemies often run counter to the dominant cultural norms and expectations of the time. As a result, some people reject Jesus and his message, and the overall message of the Kingdom of God is often met with resistance.